Since September 2017, the first in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, the Clinical Center for Proton Therapy, which offers the most advanced radiation treatment for cancer, works as part of the MIBS Clinic.
We own all opportunities for the delivery of modern high qualified radio surgical and radiotherapy treatment of patients with tumors of any location, vascular malformations and functional pathology.

Qualified personnel: administrators, nurses, specialists (neurosurgeons, oncologists, radiologists and medical physicists) – have got solid working experience in such leading authorities of our country as Scientific research neurosurgical institute named after A.L. Polenov and Scientific research oncology institute named after N.N. Petrov, many doctors and medical physicists received long term training in world`s leading clinics.
Active and effective collaboration in the field of neurosurgical patients treatment is performed with specialists of neurosurgical clinic of Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov.
Thanks to telemedicine opportunities the doctors of the radiosurgery center MIBS are able to get advice from European and Japanese leading specialists and make up a cooperative treatment plan of a certain patient.



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